Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Group Project

I had mixed emotions throughout the group project. There were points where I enjoyed it, but also points where I could get a little frustrated. It is hard when all of our group members have different schedules and things going on, but overall I think that it worked out pretty well.

In our group we discussed inclusion and we used prezi to do that. Not using powerpoint was a good idea and experimenting with prezi was kind of cool. I have used it before in high school, but it was a little bit different than what it was when i used it before. There were many different set ups that you could use and they were all very interesting and different.

We were all pretty cooperative for the most part. We usually were all in class working on it together, or researching on our own and then putting it all together. I think that maybe some of us could have put a little more effort forth to participate in the project as much as the rest of us. There were a few times where we were all talking to each other, but some of us did not respond or do what was asked of us, which is where it began to get frustrating. I think we could have done a bit better if we all were to collaborate a little bit more, but all in all, I think we ended up doing a pretty good job and finishing out the project with a good end.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

PowerPoint (ungh)

First being assigned to do a PowerPoint I was feeling kind of nervous and anxious at the same time. I knew already that I was not very creative, and also I am not aware of many of the things that you can do with PowerPoint. We started off and I was a little confused, but as our professor continued to explain the many different things that are available in PowerPoint, I started to like it more and more. I begun researching what I wanted to do my PowerPoint on and trying to get creative. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, but also I still think that it is not the greatest form of technology to be used during class time. I think that there are certain times when PowerPoint is a good thing to use, and I do not believe one of those times is during class or lecturing. I think PowerPoint is more useful if the kids were to interact with it on their own, and go through the PowerPoint as a homework assignment or something like that.
Overall, I think that I like PowerPoint a lot more than I thought I would. It grew on me as we continued to learn the many different things that can be done in PowerPoint. I just believe that you have to know the right times to be using it for your students.