Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two More for the Roll

There are so many different blogs out there on the internet, but I found two that I really think will be able to help me out. 

The first blog I chose is called "Topics in Early Childhood Education" and the second blog is called "Teach Preschool."

The first blog I found, Topics in Early Childhood Education, was created by a man named John Funk. In his blogs he describes all different topics in early childhood education, hence the title of his blog. His latest blog was titled "And School Begins..." This blog explains how exciting the new school year is, not just for the young children, but also for the teachers. He states that setting up the classroom each new school year is so exciting for him. The blog is also about classroom management. Funk says that "A teacher cannot teach successfully, or children learn successfully, without an effective classroom routine." I agree with this 100% and that is why I like this blog post the most.

The second blog I found, Teach Preschool, was created by a woman named Debora J. Stewart. Her blog is also all about schooling, mostly preschool. Her latest blog is about "The Benefits and Risks of Social Networking." This entry talks all about how social networking can be a very powerful tool, but it can also ruin your reputation. Using social networking, you have to realize that anyone can see the stuff you say. Just because you have your social network marked private, does not mean someone cannot find out what you have posted or said on a website. People are always watching and it is up to you, as a teacher, to set a good example. Take responsibility and think about the things you say and post on the internet before you do so.


  1. Good Job! You are so right about having to be super careful on what you pu tonto social media outlets. Once it's out there, it's out there forever!!

  2. I like how these blogs are talking about just teaching as a whole. And I also see that they would help with becoming an early childhood teacher.
