Open Educational Resources are resources that are available at little to no cost and can be used for teaching, learning, and also for research, as stated in the article "7 Things You Should Know About Open Educational Resources."
Reading this article, you begin to learn..
1. what OER is
2. how it works
3. who is using it
4. how it is significant
5. the downsides
6. where it is going
7. the implications for teaching and learning
Usually, Open Educational Resources are used in online learning environments, but they can also be used in face-to-face environments, too. There are many materials in which you can choose from, some can be tampered with and changed to your liking, but others have to stay the same when the teacher or student chooses to use it. OER can be downloaded and used in many different situations, whether it be formally or informally. Given that these Open Educational Resources are so flexible, it is easy for one to use it at their own pace, but also stay on track.
The website OER Commons is a very useful website. It has many different resources for both teachers and students, and basically anyone that would like to browse on through the website.
Concepts of Information Technology is the first link i explored on OER Commons.This first module includes computers, networks, how, why, and who people access information using ICT.
The 1918 Flu is the second link I became interested in browsing through. It has a voice recording and a couple paragraphs about how the 1918 flu killed 20 million people. It explains that it was the world's meanest flu epidemic and scientists went on to find only one reason why it had killed so many people. This resource is very interesting and I would recommend it.
The final resource I chose was called The English Wiki. I went to the link that was focused on Giving Advice. This link takes you to where you can download a word document. This word document is a group worksheet that is basically revolved around giving advice and what you should do.
All is all, this website seems to be a very good place for teachers and students who need help with any lessons or lesson plans. If I were continuing on to become a teacher, I would most definitely use this website.
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